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Should Flowers Use Blower System or Piping System Chiller?

By September 17, 2024No Comments
Should Flowers Use Blower System or Piping System Chiller?

Should Flowers Use Blower System or Piping System Chiller?


When it comes to preserving or displaying flowers, the primary reason for using a commercial refrigerator is the low temperature it provides, which can significantly extend the lifespan of the flowers. Most flowers displayed in flower shops are cut and without roots, and with different varieties, their lifespan without proper storage or care is usually between 3 to 5 days. This period becomes even shorter during the hot summer months when high temperatures accelerate wilting.


Without refrigeration, flowers will quickly begin to wilt, leading to a shorter blooming period and faster spoilage. In contrast, during colder winter months, flowers naturally last longer, even without refrigeration, because the cooler environment slows down the wilting process, reducing flower losses.


To extend the lifespan of flowers, reduce wastage, and ultimately increase store traffic and revenue, using a chiller system is essential. But which type of chiller is more suitable for flower preservation – a Blower System Chiller or a Piping System Chiller?


The Benefits of Using a Blower System Chiller for Flower Storage


It is recommended to choose a Blower System Chiller (also known as a forced-air chiller) for storing flowers. This type of chiller comes with a built-in fan that helps to evenly distribute cold air throughout the entire interior of the chiller. This ensures that the temperature remains consistent in every corner of the chiller, preventing large fluctuations in temperature.


Consistency in temperature is crucial for flowers. An even cooling effect helps prolong their freshness and prevents rapid spoilage. By maintaining stable conditions, a blower system chiller can extend the life of the flowers, ensuring they remain fresh for a longer period of time.


Challenges with a Piping System Chiller for Flowers


On the other hand, a Piping System Chiller (commonly known as a direct cooling chiller) may not be as effective for preserving flowers. In a piping system, cooling is provided through copper pipes located in the walls of the chiller. This creates uneven cooling, where the flowers closer to the walls experience much lower temperatures than those farther away.


If flowers near the walls are exposed to temperatures that are too low, they may freeze, leading to damage and faster spoilage. This uneven cooling pattern is not ideal for flowers, as frozen petals will quickly deteriorate, reducing their shelf life and making them unappealing to customers.


Conclusion: Choose a Blower System Chiller for Optimal Flower Preservation


In conclusion, for flower shops looking to maximize the longevity and appearance of their flowers, a Blower System Chiller is the superior choice. Its even air distribution and consistent temperature control help keep flowers fresher for longer periods, reducing wastage and improving profitability. On the contrary, a Piping System Chiller with uneven cooling may harm delicate flowers, resulting in early spoilage and loss of sales.


If you have any further questions about flower preservation and which commercial refrigerator best suits your needs, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to assist you in finding the right solution for your business.



We hope this information proves helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our salesperson at 012-3868-210. Imax Refrigerator Malaysia offers various commercial chillers, refrigerator, chiller fridge, cold room & cool room, including convenience store chillers, supermarket chillers, restaurant and so on. We welcome you to visit us for your selection needs!


Imax Refrigerator Malaysia, a local manufacturer, offers a wide range of high-quality commercial refrigerators: Display ChillerDisplay FreezerInverter Display ChillerInverter Display FreezerOpen ChillerStainless Steel Upright ChillerStainless Steel Upright FreezerStainless Steel Counter ChillerStainless Steel Counter FreezerSolid Door Chest FreezerGlass Top Chest Freezer, and other products. With 30 years of experience in manufacturing commercial refrigeration equipment, direct sales from manufacturers and nationwide warranty, the company’s products are favored by customers at home and abroad.

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